Beef Shorthorn stores to £1,120

The Show and Sale of store cattle at Longtown on Tuesday 8 May incorporated a special show of Beef Shorthorn and Beef Shorthorn cross store cattle, sponsored by Morrisons and supported by the Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society. Over 60 Shorthorn stores were forward from 12 consignors from throughout the area and from as far afield as Darlington.

The judge, Mr J Marshall selected a pen from J E and B L Goddard, Frankstown as champion pen and a bullock from Brian Irving, Harper Hill as champion single animal. Mr Irving also took second prize in the single's class. 

Messrs Goddard's cattle sold to a top of £1,120 to H Alder and Son, West White Hill, Northumberland, with their prizewinning pen at £1,050 to Mr J Barr, Greenfield Muir, Renfrewshire. Mr Irving's champion realised £1,060, with his second prizewinner at £1,040. Both went to Castletown Estate, Carlisle.

Others sold to £940, £890 and £840, High House, Brafferton; £930 and £880, Frankstown; £900 and £850, Farlam Hill; £860, Halldykes; £830, Penpeugh; £820, Pilmuir; £800, Williamwood. 

Prize list
Best individual – 1st Harper Hill, 2nd Harper Hill, 3rd Frankstown
Best pen – 1st Frankstown, 2nd Pilmuir, 3rd Sandwick

The next Morrisons sponsored show of Shorthorn stores at Longtown will be on Saturday 20 October, and the Longtown annual sale of pedigree Beef Shorthorn females will be on Bank Holiday Monday, 27 August. A good herd dispersal and two draft sales are already booked for this event.