Scottish Beef event


It was a very successful day at the Scottish Beef Event at North Bethelnie farm, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeen recently, in spite of the mixed weather.

We had a lot of interest on the Beef Shorthorn stand especially in our competition to ‘guess the weight’ of an outstanding Shorthorn heifer calf (born July 2018) by Meonside Javelin, whose mother was a Shorthorn cross Simmental heifer, both kindly loaned by Smallburn Farms. The calf was 441 kg and the nearest correct answer was 442 kg guessed by the following two people who will both win a bottle of whisky: Gordon McKilligan, Headtown of Ord, Cornhill, Banff and Jade Kelly, Balnagarrow Farm, Craigellachie.

Our thanks to to David Dickie, Matthew Thomson and Beth, and also Society President Cathryn Williamson for their help on the stand.